
Friday, April 24, 2015

Generosity is contagious.Read Proverbs 11:24-25
You and I do not lose anything when we are generous,but we LOSE everything when we are not.Whenever we hear a story of generosity it brings a smile on our face.Put your trust in God not on money.If you have been given much you have to be giving much.In fact when we give, we are building our eternal foundation.Get your wisdom from God not men.Follow Gods plan not your own.Do more than God asks you to do,and He will more than meet your needs.
We were not created to keep anything.Everything in the universe was created by God to give.Your body was created to receive and give.In fact ,when we die our soul goes away to where it belongs,but the body decomposes and gives back to the earth.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Too much already!

“Of course, too much stuff can also leave too little room for God. With all the time required to shop for, use, store, clean, maintain, organize, insure, and worry about our stuff, there can be little time left for reading God’s Word, prayer, ministry, church, and reaching out to others.  Is it any wonder that the Bible encourages simple living?”

Everlasting Grace

Biorevolution: Humans will live 1000 years staying forever young.

The scientists said that it can become reality grace to a growing regiment of researchers who believe a biological revolution enabling humans to experience everlasting youthfulness is not that far.
God Almighty is demanding, that YOU turn away from your wicked ways, from your iniquities, from your sins, this instant! He wants YOU to turn back to Him, and to worship Him, ONLY! The last thing God Almighty wants to do, is to punish YOU for Eternity. YOU were created, in His Image, to be IN God’s Immediate Presence, to walk with Him, Forever! One day, when God Almighty creates everything anew, He and His Only Son, Jesus Christ, want YOU to be with Them for All Eternity. The question I have for YOU is this, do YOU want to avoid God’s Wrath, and welcome God’s Love, God’s Mercy, and God’s Saving Grace? If so, and YOU want to know what YOU must do, to accept God’s Free Gift of Salvation.